How to Clean a Wool Coat Without Dry Cleaning


  1. Types of cleaning of outerwear
  2. How to prepare clothes for cleaning
  3. How to clean a coat without dry cleaning
  4. How to wash a coat at home
  5. Video

Outerwear will retain its original appearance longer if it is properly cared for, taking into account the peculiarities of the fabric. At home, dirt is removed by washing, dry and wet cleaning. Professional (powders, gels) and improvised means (soda, vinegar, ammonia) help to cope with complex stains.

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Cleaning methods for outerwear

Ways to clean coats at home:

  1. Washing (manual or automatic). Applies when the label is marked with the recommended water temperature.
  2. Dry cleaning. Carried out with a soft brush, rollers with sticky tear-off sheets, dust-absorbing sprays (Spot Remover, K2r, Dryel).
  3. Damp cleaning. Implies processing the product with steam, cleaning individual dirt with aqueous solutions with the addition of soap, fabric softener, stain remover.

Cleaning a coat at home is not always effective. Circumstances in which you should contact the dry cleaner:

  • marking on the label about the inadmissibility of manual, automatic washing;
  • old fuel oil stains;
  • white, beige or pale blue color of the material;
  • grease, grease on leather things;
  • the presence of decorative elements;
  • unsuccessful attempts to clean clothes with their own hands;
  • fear of spoiling an expensive thing.

How to prepare clothes for cleaning

Before entrusting a coat to a dry cleaner or trying to clean it at home, prepare it for the procedure:

  1. Shake, lay flat or hang on a hanger.
  2. ​​
  3. Remove the foreign objects from the pockets.
  4. Use a soft brush, tape or damp cloth (for cashmere products) to remove dust and hair.
  5. Examine the thing, mark the most dirty places for yourself.

How to clean a coat without dry cleaning

It is recommended to take care of outerwear, especially from delicate fabrics, before and after each wear. For frequent dry cleaning use: a roller with sticky tear-off sheets, a pilling machine, a brush for cleaning a coat.

Thorough cleaning of things is carried out at the end of the season, when strong dirt and odors are detected.

How to solve these problems without asking for help from dry cleaning:

  1. Prepare the product for the procedure.
  2. Examine the label for fabric type, method and cleaning agent. If the composition of the material is mixed, focus on natural fibers (if any).
  3. Try your chosen product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.
  4. If the test is successful, open the pad and place a absorbent cloth between it and the fabric.
  5. Start cleaning. To avoid streaks, clean the stain from the edges to the center.

Wool cloth

It is better to entrust the washing of woolen cloth to specialists. The fabric consists of 2 rows of woolen threads, which will shrink in hot water. Household Cleaning of Wrap Coats:

  1. Surface the fabric with a dry, medium-hard brush, moving in the direction of the pile.
  2. Lay the woolen coat on a horizontal plane, sprinkle the crumbled rye bread crumb on top. Roll the crumbs until balls form (5-10 minutes), brush off the rest.

How to clean a lightly soiled drape coat at home:

  1. Hang the garment on a hanger.
  2. Spread in the direction of the pile, first with a dry sponge and then with a damp sponge.
  3. Air dry.

Methods for cleaning heavily soiled drapes:

  1. Following instructions, pour carpet cleaner (not powder) into water and lather. use Vanish Active Foam. Spread the foam, without rubbing, over the entire pile of the woolen coat. Let dry, brush the rest.
  2. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 cap of fabric softener. Saturate a sponge with it and process the fabric. Then rinse it and clean the garment again, let it dry.
  3. Spread the woolen coat on a horizontal plane, sprinkle with baking soda and rub it into the fabric. After an hour, sweep away the remaining powder with a dry brush, then wipe the product with a damp sponge, let dry.

From suede

How to tidy up suede products without asking for help in dry cleaning:

  1. How to remove the shine. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of milk, moisten a sponge with the liquid, wipe the greasy areas with it. Let the product dry, remove the remaining liquid with a sponge.
  2. How to clean greasy stains. Sprinkle the stained area with starch, let it absorb. Brush off any residue with a soft brush.
  3. How to remove streaks. Wipe them with a stationery eraser.
  4. How to remove creases. Hang the item on the hanger. Steam with a steam generator.
  5. How to clean your clothes from dust. Bring the coat to fresh air, wipe it with a sponge soaked in ammonia, and let it air out.
  6. How to iron suede clothes. Iron the wrong side of the garment with the lowest temperature on the iron.
  7. How to clean artificial suede. Whip up foam with a washing gel (1 cap per liter of water), apply to the dirty area. Wipe off with a dry paper towel after 5 minutes.


How to clean a tweed coat at home:

  1. Renew greasy, worn places with a mixture of 1 part ammonia and 4 parts salt. Mix the ingredients, spread the mixture over the problem area, after 1–2 minutes wipe off with a dry sponge.
  2. Vacuum up dust. Before the procedure, check that all decorative elements and buttons are well sewn on.
  3. Clean the fat with a sponge soaked in refined gasoline. Use it to blot the soiled section from the inside of the coat, and then place a piece of clean natural fiber cloth on the outside of the stain. Leave until the pollution disappears.
  4. The rest of the stains - a mixture of 1 glass of warm water, 1 tablespoon of liquid soap and the same amount of ammonia. Clean the dirt first with this solution and then with a clean, damp sponge.

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Artificial fabrics are easy to clean and wash at home... Polyester is a synthetic material made from polyester fibers. It almost does not wrinkle, keeps its shape well. How to clean a polyester coat:

  1. Remove dust with a brush or dry sponge, shake the product.
  2. For fresh stains, apply a non-bleach stain remover (Vanish, ACE). Use the product according to the instructions, having previously tested it on the wrong side of the thing.
  3. Sprinkle plenty of salt on the grease stain, after 30 minutes, use a dry sponge to remove it.

Made of neoprene

This material is made of foam rubber, pasted over on both sides with elastic fabric (cotton, polyester). Neoprene products are worn for a long time, they hardly wrinkle, do not get dirty. How to clean a neoprene coat:

  1. In the presence of dust, dirt: brush the item with a clothes brush dampened with warm water.
  2. If you find a greasy stain: sprinkle the contaminated area with talcum powder or baking soda, after 20-30 minutes wipe off the rest of the powder with a dry sponge.

Woolen coat

How to clean wool products:

  1. Dust, brush off hair or a roller with adhesive tape.
  2. Return the shine of a dark woolen coat with a sponge soaked in strong black tea.
  3. Treat abrasions with a mixture of salt and ammonia (ratio 4: 1), remove excess with a dry sponge.
  4. Blot greasy stains from the inside with a sponge soaked in refined gasoline. Outside, apply a clean, natural fiber cloth to the dirt. After the dirt has disappeared, wipe the treated area of ​​the wool coat with a damp cloth.


Mountain goat down is used for the production of cashmere. The fabric is very delicate, soft, it is recommended to clean it at home very carefully. The product used must be tested on the back of the garment. How to clean a cashmere coat at home:

  1. To remove dust, hang the item on a hanger, wipe with a wet, well-wrung out cotton cloth, and leave to dry.
  2. To remove traces of perspiration, wipe the stain with a cotton pad moistened with soapy water (2 tablespoons liquid soap / 1 cup water). Then treat the stain with a sponge soaked in ammonia, wipe with a clean cloth.
  3. Wipe the greasy spot with a solution of dishwashing liquid (1 tablespoon / 1 cup water) and then with a damp soft sponge. Let the cashmere coat dry.
  4. Treat stains from paint, ballpoint pen on dark clothes with refined gasoline, on light clothes - with nail polish remover. Saturate a cotton pad with the substance, test its effect on an inconspicuous area. If the color of the fabric has not changed, apply a sponge dampened with gasoline or nail polish remover to the stain on the inside of the cashmere garment. Use a dabbing motion to treat the contamination until it disappears.

Cleaning leather outerwear

How to clean a leather coat without resorting to dry cleaning:

  1. Wipe off the dusty product with a damp, clean cloth.
  2. Clean the rubbed areas with a sponge moistened with alcohol. Do the same with lemon juice and wipe the cloth with glycerin at the end.
  3. Remove light dirt with soap and alcohol. Mix 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap. Saturate a sponge with the mixture, wipe the leather coat with it. Remove residues of the product with a damp cloth.
  4. Clean salt stains on winter clothes with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar (9%), and then wipe with a damp sponge.
  5. Remove oil paint with a sponge soaked in vegetable oil.
  6. To prevent unpleasant odors, use ground coffee. Sprinkle it on a coat spread out on a horizontal surface, leave it for a day, shake the clothes.
  7. To refresh, soften the material, rub dark skin 2-3 times with castor oil, taking breaks for 20-30 minutes. For a light-colored leather coat, use Vaseline. Blot the rest of the product with a paper towel.

How to wash a coat at home

Recommendations for washing coats of different types of fabrics:

  1. Wash drapes at home by hand, at 30–40 ° C, with detergents for woolen clothes (Perwoll, Frosch). Then rinse in clean water, dry in the fresh air, hanging on a hanger.
  2. Suede items cannot be washed. If the clothes are very dirty, rinse them in a 30-degree soap solution (2 tablespoons soap / 1 tablespoon liquid) and then again in water with glycerin (1 tsp / 1 liter liquid). Then blot the product with a dry towel and dry it on a horizontal plane.
  3. Tweed items cannot be soaked or washed. If the garment is very dirty, rinse it by hand in warm water (30 ° C) with the addition of a woolen detergent ( Royal Powder Delicate ). Only iron the tweed inside out through damp gauze.
  4. Wash polyester garments by hand or machine wash on delicate synthetics at 30 ° C. Use liquid, gel detergents that do not contain bleach ( Ariel, Persil, Tide ). Do not wring out the clothes after washing. Dry the products by spreading them out on a horizontal plane, iron - at the lowest temperatures through cheesecloth.
  5. Neoprene garments are covered with fabric on both sides, so they do not get wet through. At home, be sure to wash them from 2 sides: first from the front, then from the wrong side. Do it manually (at 30 ° C) or in an automatic machine on a delicate setting without spinning. Perform the procedure using liquid detergents for washing baby clothes ( I was born, Aistenok, AQA Baby ). Dry the neoprene garment on both sides, out of direct sunlight.
  6. White woolen products are best dry-cleaned. If you wash them with your own hands, they can fade, gray. Only dark colored woolen items can be washed at home. To do this, add powder (1 tablespoon / 1 liter of liquid) to warm water (30 ° C), place clothes there and remember a little. Then rinse with fabric softener. Dry woolen garments horizontally on top of a towel.
  7. Cashmere clothing may be washed by hand and in an automatic machine, but only if there is a corresponding icon on the label. The procedure is carried out at a water temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, using liquid detergents for woolen clothes ( Perwoll, Frosch ). When using a washing machine, select the delicate mode without spinning. For hand wash, add water to the bathtub, dilute the detergent in it (2-3 tablespoons / 1 liter of liquid) and immerse the cashmere coat for 20 minutes. Rub heavily soiled areas (collar, sleeves) with a soft sponge. Then rinse the garment in cool water. After washing, without wringing, hang on a hanger above the bathtub (for 10-15 minutes). When the water drains, transfer to a dry towel and change as it gets wet. Iron the damp cashmere product through 2–3 layers of cheesecloth.
  8. Leather clothing cannot be washed. For major cleaning, it is better to give things to dry cleaning. Only the lining can be cleaned at home. Turn the garment inside out, dampen the lining. Apply a solution of 2 tbsp with a sponge to the contaminated areas. l. liquid soap and 1 tbsp. water. Rub lightly the problem areas. Remove residual solution with a damp cloth. Hang your coat on a hanger to dry. Make sure that there are no heating devices and sudden temperature changes in the room. Otherwise, the material may stretch or shrink.



How to Clean a Wool Coat Without Dry Cleaning


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